


2001-04-25 - 9:15 a.m.

Here�s what I did on my trip: Drove to buffalo: saw mark and friends, visited his friend at starbucks, walked around with moudela, visited his laser lab, played some foosball, dyed some easter eggs, watched spaceballs, went to sleep. Next day: had coffee, went to krispy kreme, drove separately to Reading, chatted through talkabouts, did some drafts, discussed the continued expansion of the universe, stopped at lee, mass., ate lunch on bleachers, watched guy measuring fields and girl playing basketball. Checked out river. Got caught in traffic, got to Reading, kicked the ball around with liz and molly, kev came, had some food, went for walk with mom, liz and molly, played acquire. Next day: saw a deer, went running with liz, we went to kevin�s, walked around beverly, went to ocean, took off our shoes and walked in water, wandered back home, did tarot reading, played some cards, got bored, went to flower shop. got some flowers, went back, went to nancy�s, dyed easter eggs, had dinner, chatted family up, went home, saw gram, lost at tripoley, slept on couch. Woke up early easter Sunday, went to church, dad did readings, I brought up wine, I parked at bottom, drove home, we checked out our easter baskets, everyone came over, we had brunch, chatted with big brian about cities and race, hung out on deck, chatted with tom about environmentalism, had an easter egg hunt, little brian traded his dollar egg with lauren by mistake, we walked out in woods, made the pea teepee out of sticks, took pictures, me and liz laid out on lawn, toured the yard, everyone left, chatted with gram, watched the game, hung out with liz who made a mixed tape, did a diaryland entry, fretted over whether to invite brian to kev�s, he was too busy anyway, mark and I went to kev�s, walked to bar, waited for pool table, shot some three-way pool, mark won most games, drunk guy talked to them, wandered back, talked about movies, said goodbye to mark, went to sleep. Monday: woke up, had some bread, watched kev do the flowers, checked out bikes, rode bike to drop off taxes, mom and liz showed up, went for a bike ride to beverly farms, walked onto rocks with liz, stopped in bakery and relaxed, rode back, went through park, went home, drove to reading with bikes, went to dandelions for ice cream, went home, read a little, went to dinner in new hampshire with sherwins,, put on tv, read, went to sleep. Tues: kev came at 9, we went to cambridge, went to coffee shop, antique store, asian market, home, liz wanted to go to carolyn�s, I drove her, me and mom gardened and putzed around, went to library, went to town hall, went to kev�s for sushi, walked out for coffee, had ice cream and cookies, went home, watched tv?. Wed: woke up to snow, drove liz to track, read paper, packed bags, got stuff to bring, tried to pick up liz but car battery was dead, walked molly instead, we went to mexican place with liz, had a good chat there, I last saw them on the way to the highway, I drove to queens, took the subway in, stopped at thrift store, went to jason and emily�s, talked to emily, checked out pictures, deck, went to vietnamese place, called david, took subway down, walked in intralinks, he was on phone, watched david at work, wandered down on subway, walked through chinatown, had a slice of pizza and a beer, went to bar, talked a lot, scott showed up, introduced his friend, took subway to car, stopped at market, got artichokes and kiwi etc, went home, had a snack, went to sleep. Woke up to several phone calls, jake came, ate artichoke and sandwiches and kiwi, we went to mananhattan with basketball, played 3 on 3 in central park, walked around to castle, sat around there, found sunglasses, walked to jason�s, rang the bell, bounced basketball, made phone calls, ate at dumpling king, called jason, went to coffee shop, played writing games, closed eyes, called jason, went to his place, played galaga, called christina, jake called friend, rode to west side, took subway down, walked a long way, jake called friend who had gone home, walked to nearby bar, got a drink, found scott, chatted, went to blue room bar, played darts with david and jason, took taxi up to car, dropped jason off, rode back, went to sleep. Got up, went to car, walked over BQE, went to cemetery, brushed off gravestone, looked in vaults, pondered the arrow of time, walked back, got headache, drank water, sat in car, got nauseous, threw up, sat on curb, went to studio, laid head on pillow, said bye to jake, got on subway, went to solomon smith barney, saw christina, went to dinner on her expense account, spilled her soda, took taxi up, stopped at lisa�s, walked to bar, chatted with lisa about vh1 job, walked her back, took subway to christina�s, talked to roommate, put contacts in cup, opened couch, went to bed. Woke up, looked at pictures from greece, closed couch, called jason, walked to bagel place, look at bookstands, walked back, talked to patricia, signed up for sauna, walked to peking acrobats w christina, couldn�t find it, guy gave us 42nd street tickets, watched show, lost directions to meet patricia, left at intermission, took subway down, found filene�s basement, found patricia, walked and talked with her, got coffee, talked more, went to virgin megastore, made futile phone calls, left patricia, made successful phone call, walked north to gershwin hotel, went to sauna event, changed into towel, went in sauna, saw naked people, got a drink, saw christina, went back in sauna, ate snacks, got dressed, left, called emily, went to her place, waited for dave, agonized over dinner choices, played upwords, talked to dave, talked to tom, went to thai place, ordered phony frog legs, dave showed up, went to bar, they didn�t allow sneakers, we stood outside, went back for shoes, came back, found tom with friend jill, went to pour house instead, jill found $30, talked to them, left tom and jill, went to jason and emilys, played a round of boggle, opened blue chair, went to sleep. Woke up, lay awake, went to breakfast, went back to change, walked up central park, sat on bench, wandered through gardens, visited cultural center, circled lake, raced up rocks, laid in grass, went back, got icy treat, emily left, I left, jason threw me my food, took L down, took R train by mistake, walked north, pondered trip, got to dave�s, took shower, ate hummus, decided to stay, called jason and tom, drove to manhattan, went to performance art show, got kitty litter, went to dinner, rolled cigarette, stood outside bookstore, talked to guy on street, drove to studio, visited cat, hung out with guy, went back, recorded music, recorded talking, went to sleep. Woke up, took shower, packed bags, david made omelettes, shot a couple baskets, looked at maps, left, drove 13 hours straight to chicago, stopped 3 times for gas.

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