


2000-08-11 - 01:15:07

This is one where I don't feel like being fancy.

This is one where I just sit here and sip my beer and bs.

BSing is fun, dontcha think?

I will watch north by northwest soon.

We got a camcorder, me and nate did.

I think I can string out this "anticipation of moving into a new apartment" excitement beyond the capacity of most people.

I want to go on some kind of trip this year but I don't know what. Anyone want to do something? Invite me to your place and I'll consider going there. That goes for all you readers out in the far reaches of the world too. Any galapagos islanders reading? hello? galapagos islanders?

I understand that you have to marry someone from the galapagos islands to move there. Its already filled up and they can't do anything more to it.

Maybe I'll take a trip around lake michigan. eh?Well, now I'm gonna go. I'm having fun reading all my friends diaryland entries, even though andy didnt make one and nate didn't tell me his. the people on my links list rule though. anybody else have one?

we should make our own one of these. that's what hearthcenter should be. yes bond? make it so.


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